Cellulite the word all women love to hate

Posted by Karen Skewes on 20th Oct 2015

Cellulite the word all women love to hate

Cellulite is considered a curse ‘The curse of women’ because so many suffer from the annoying orange peel skin dimples and fat deposits on the hips, bums and thighs.

Cellulite is caused by muscular atrophy, this occurs when the layers of muscles becomes weak and undefined and separates from the skin making the unattractive fatty deposits visible.

So the first thing you need to know is that when we treat cellulite it has nothing to do with the skin and everything to do with the muscle underneath the skin, plus you must note that the removal of cellulite has nothing to do with weight loss, that is why even the slimmest of girls can suffer from cellulite.

The good news is we can reverse muscular atrophy and eliminate cellulite. No matter how old you are or no matter how much you weigh.

False beliefs about cellulite!

Cellulite is genetic: ignore what you have heard, cellulite is not a genetic problem and you don’t have to be stuck with it forever. Believing these false hoods will prevent you from taking the steps you need to get rid of your cellulite.

Too old to get rid of cellulite? You can get rid of cellulite no matter how old you are because cellulite is a muscle issue; you can always fix it by strengthening your muscles. With our accent treatment that target specific muscles in the cellulite affected. It is not vigorous or overly strenuous and can be used by women of off fitness levels.

The treatment is unique and directly targets the muscles in the cellulite areas. It focuses on lifting, toning and shaping the muscle layers, pushing them towards the skin and help get rid of the dimpling appearance.

The accent cellulite treatments will give you the result you never would thought would be possible-The cellulite need stimulation to get rid of it.

What is the accent treatment and how does it work-Radio frequency and ultra sound.

Accent works by gradually heating the dermal and sub dermal tissue to tighten and re-contour both superficially and volumetrically

Collagen fibers contract and multiply which forms and improves elasticity

Connective tissue contracts to improve the skin contour texture and architecture

Circulation improves and retained fluid drained from subcutaneous adipose tissue to reduce edema, erythema and overall volume.